How The Testing Was Done Five test solutions were chosen that were
known to have pHs in the range of aquarium pH test kits. These were: 1) A sample of
"typical" aquarium water of pH 7.1, 2) A hydrochloric acid solution of pH 6.80 Five identical vials were each filled with one of the test solutions and were labeled. The labels were obscured and the vials were mixed to a random order. A test kit was chosen and a vial was selected randomly for testing, until all vials had been selected. The tests were performed exactly following the respective manufacturers instructions included in the packaging. The results of the tests were recorded. The pH of another sample of the same solution was then checked with an analytical pH meter (accurate to 0.01 units) and those results were recorded. The label was then removed from the vial and the identity was noted. This procedure was repeated for each test kit. |