Whatever form of tropical fish food you choose, remember to vary your fish’s diet. Without a varied diet, a fish’s feces will be excreted in long strands that do not break off. This condition, which is a deficiency, can be easily remedied with a varying diet and is nothing to worry about from a health perspective. However, it is a problem that is visually displeasing. Overfeeding poses the greatest danger to fish in a typical tropical fish diet and is not easily identified. However, such telltale signs as a brownish algae (as opposed to green) growing on the glass or other decorations, or large amounts of uneaten food being left on the bottom of the aquarium, can be a good indication of overfeeding. One of the largest problems caused by overfeeding comes from decaying, uneaten food lying on the bottom of the aquarium. This results in an elevated ammonia level which can, in turn, result in more serious problems and the possible death of your fish. If overfeeding does occur, decrease the amount of food being given or decrease the number of feeding times, whichever is appropriate. A chemical algicide found in pet stores will be effective in killing the brown algae, however, you may have to scrape the algae off the glass if the growth is very heavy. Being careful not to overfeed will not only create a more healthy aquarium environment, but will also allow the food to last longer, thus lessening expenses, keeping both you and your fish happy! Previous Page FREE Articles Page |